Welcome to our community
of testers !

Vous avez une solution digitale ?

Un projet en tête à tester ?

Prenez rendez-vous et discutons-en.

play_circlePrendre rendez-vous

How to become a tester ?

Sign Up

Create your tester account, then fill in all the fields in your profile and complete the welcome course.


Complete the test report by answering the questions and adding the screenshots.


Receive your reward directly in your tester profile.

Take it to the next level !

Take it to the next level with our belt system.

As in karate, our belt system gives you the opportunity to reach higher tests and improve your skills.

From white belt to black belt, become a testing expert!

Improve your skills

Accédez au niveau supérieur de ceinture grâce à vos diplômes.

Actiyon gives you access to more powerful tests as soon as you register.

All you have to do is send us your diplomas
(UX/UI/Computer Science).

This rule also applies to any proof of testing carried out on another testing platform.


Nos testeurs parlent de nous

"I discovered Actiyon through TikTok. I'm satisfied with the platform. As a student, it's a good way to supplement my income."

Inès, Paris

"I've been a professional tester for 10 years now. I joined Actiyon to stay on top of new tech trends."

Pierre, Bordeaux


About Us

Actiyon is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the user experience of digital solutions: websites, applications, intranets, software, etc. We provide companies with our expertise in user testing and perception analysis. Our main mission is to act as a link between our community of qualified testers or users and companies with an integrated end-to-end service.

How can I earn more points with my diplomas?

If you've just registered on our Actiyon platform and would like to earn more points to increase your belt level, or if you have a diploma in computer science, web development or any other technology-related field and have already taken a test on another platform, you can send us your credentials directly by e-mail to community@actiyon.comThese will give you a higher belt level and access to more effective tests as soon as you register.

How to become a tester? 
  • Becoming a tester couldn't be easier. Just go to our website and fill in the registration form. Once you've completed this step, all you have to do is fill in all the fields in your profile, including the welcome course (it only takes 10 minutes), and you'll be ready to receive your first test invitations on our platform.
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